What We Do

We offer Rutgers University–New Brunswick students high-level assistance when they feel they have exhausted all other methods to resolve their issues related to the university.

We are an informal and confidential resource for students.

We can informally investigate options for alternative, fair solutions to problems students have within the university.


For Students at Rutgers–New Brunswick

We are available to students enrolled in New Brunswick / Piscataway schools. Prior to July 1 2017 any Rutgers student could use our service.


Informal, Confidential, Neutral, Independent

We advocate for fair and good processes within the operations and bureaucracy of Rutgers–New Brunswick.

In remaining neutral, we are not an advocate for a student themselves nor the university itself, and we approach issues impartially.


Our Goal

We are available to help Rutgers–New Brunswick students, who feel they have exhausted all possible remedies; to provide alternative methods to resolve their issues.

Our overall purpose is to contribute to improving Rutgers–New Brunswick's service to students.


Our Purpose

From an institutional aspect, our purpose is to identify and make recommendations to correct problems that are uncovered through our work.

Meet Sybil James, the ombudsperson at Rutgers–New Brunswick, and hear her explain what an ombudsperson does and how she can help students resolve their problems.



Our Organizational History

The Ombuds Office was originally created in response to universitywide student recommendations given at former President McCormick's student services retreats during the 2003–2004 academic year.


From 2005-2011 the ombudsperson reported to the President of Rutgers University and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (EVPAA).


From 2012-2015, the ombudsperson reported to the EVPAA


In 2015 the EVPAA position was dissolved and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (SVPAA) position was created.


On July 1 2017, the Ombuds Office was reorganized from the universitywide office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (SVPAA) to the New Brunswick Chancellor's office. This decision was made as part of the implementation of the Responsible Center Management financial budgeting model and in consultation with the SVPAA, Newark, Camden, and RBHS Chancellors' offices.

From July 2017-August 2018, the ombudsperson reported to the Chancellor of Rutgers–New Brunswick.

From August 2018 and currently, the ombudsperson reports to the Chancellor of RU–NB and the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Planning.