Contact Us

Please email or call us to schedule an appointment with the ombudsperson.

Appointments can be held via phone, Skype, or in-person at our office.


Before your appointment, please send us an email about your issue, problem, or concern.


The following information would help us assist you:

Your issue.

Describe it clearly.

What is the surrounding context?

What you have done.

Within the university, who have you talked to?

What departments or offices have you been in contact with?

What you have been told.

Please provide us with correspondence between you and the people you talked with, if possible.

What you would like.

What do you feel is a fair solution or outcome?



If relevant to your issue.

Such as written or email correspondence, formal notification or letter, syllabus, photograph.


Please Include Basic Information About Yourself

You can remain anonymous when contacting our office, but we may not be able assist you with your issue very well.

To best help you, please tell us your name, RUID, phone number, current home address, and who referred you here or how you found out about us.



Information will not be shared with other departments, offices, or individuals in the university unless we are given your explicit consent or are required to by law.

We can help you better when we know as much information about your issue as possible.